Core 102
The Idea of Democracy
Roger Williams University
CORE.102.01 LLC: 11:00 -  11:50  MWF,  GHH  208
CORE.102.11 ELI:   12:00 - 12:50  MWF,  GHH  208
Fall Semester, 2014
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office: GHH 215
Hours:  TH 11-1:00, F, 2:00-4:00,
Or By Appointment
Phone:  ext 3230
For Take-Home Examination One
For Wednesday, September 24
For Friday, September 26
Due: Monday,  –by Midnight, December 1, on return from Thanksgiving Break.
Submit by Bridges
Do NOT submit using the Apple .Pages format.

Part One: Match the Number of the Source with the Letter of the Quotation.  15
For Part One, a simple format like this will workjust fine.
Part Two: Choose ONE of the quotations and write a brief reflection on it,