Core 102History and the Modern World
Challenges of Democracy
Roger Williams University  GHH 108
Section 02 LLC T, TH   12:30 PM-1:50 PM
Spring Semester, 2017
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office: GHH 215
Hours:  M, 12:00-1:00
T, Th,  9:30 - 10:20  Or By Appointment
Phone:  ext 3230
Challenges of Democracy
For Tuesday, February 28
For Thursday, March 2
Download, Annotate according to the Prompt below, the document(s) from Core Canon, and then upload into your Drop Box...
Download, Annotate according to the Prompt below, the document(s) from Core Canon, and then upload into your Drop Box...
As you can see, we've hopped into a time machine, and moved forward more than 1,000 years.  We've also moved to the land of the Angles and Saxons:  Angleland, or as we now call it England.  One of the things we're going to do is look forward and backward to see what kinds of connections we can make with challenges to democracy both before and after.   Here are the things I'd Like you to think about  as you mark up the document by Milton for your dropbox.
Click on the above picture to reach a brief biography
Be warned in advance.  Areopagitica is not an easy read, the English language is constantly changing (does anyone write "information" instead of "info" these days?  The Topic of this essay is closely related to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which we'll come back to again later.  Think of this as you read this.
Many years ago a student had a newspaper article censored for the RWU student newspaper.  I felt he had a right to speak his mind so I made a website to publish his article.  You can read it if you wish by clicking here.  The email on that page no longer works.
A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke  (1689)
Click on the above picture to reach a brief biography
Locke is a little easier to read than Milton, but not all that much.  Again, leave yourself enough time to give him a thorough going over.

The illustration over the table of contents is from Fox's Book of Martyrs.  You can click on it, but you'll have to load it on your computer to see it.  Unfortunately is off line at the moment.