Core 102History and the Modern World
Challenges of Democracy
Roger Williams University  GHH 108
Section 02 LLC T, TH   12:30 PM-1:50 PM
Spring Semester, 2017
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office: GHH 215
Hours:  M, 12:00-1:00
T, Th,  9:30 - 10:20  Or By Appointment
Phone:  ext 3230
Challenges of Democracy
For Tuesday, April 11
For Thursday, April 13      Susan B. Anthony, Good Citizen, Good Person, or both?
Download, Annotate according to the Prompt below, the document(s) from Core Canon, and then upload into your Drop Box...
Three Documents by Sarah Grimké Plus The Seneca Falls Convention below
As you begin to analyze this document, notice that it contains two distinct parts.  The first of these consists of series of resolutions,  (they follow the preamble, beginning with "Whereas").  The preamble (that whereas part)  quotes the famous English scholar,  Sir William Blackstone.  You may remember that he was mentioned in the Grimké letters we're also reading for today..  As you markup your copy.  I'd like you to do some specific things, along with whatever else catches your eye and imagination.

The second half of this document was presented to the Convention the following day.  The first three paragraphs ought to have a familiar ring to them.  In fact, you will probably notice that only two words have been added to the second paragraph.  Highlight those two words.  (Hint:  compare to the D of I.)
I would be delighted if you can find time to  watch the documentary above by the time of Thursday's class.  I would show it, but it is just a little too long. It may disappear from YouTube, as it hasn't been up for very long.
Life-long friends, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.  Click the image to find more information about the women's suffrage movement. and the National Women's History Center, Now in Washington DC.. where it is working on building .  Formerly, the museum was in Seneca Falls, where the convention we're investigating was held. the old museum is now a National Park
Download and Read, Markup, (sticky notes for reflections) and and Place in Your Dropbox
ADDRESS OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY  Is it a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote?
This is our first analysis of an American Citizen choosing to break the law as a matter of conscience.  Take a look at the Famous Trials website by clicking on her name in the title for today's discussion.  You'll find a lot there to ponder.  Ms.Anthony's crime?  Voting!  After her arrest she went on a speaking tour to rally support for her cause.  What I'm asking you to download is the lecture she gave.  Evidently it was so powerful that the court moved the location of her trial, fearing she'd be acquitted.  She wasn't.  She refused to pay her fine, but it seems she never went to jail, though she was threatened with it.  It turned out that her lawyer paid the fine for her.  He couldn't bear the thought of her going to jail for several years because of the failure of his advice and defense.

As you read this and mark it up, I'd like to have your focus on a couple of things. 

Susan B. Anthony never lived long enough to vote "legally".  The New York Times wrote glowingly about her in a memorial after she died.  Click HERE to take a look at it  Look for the + to zoom in, and activate the hand button to move around.  I'll show you how if you remind me.